According to LiveScience, scientists “have created a cloaking device that can reroute certain wavelengths of light, forcing them around objects like water flowing around boulders in a stream.”
Any One Wanna Become Mr India !!!According to LiveScience, scientists “have created a cloaking device that can reroute certain wavelengths of light, forcing them around objects like water flowing around boulders in a stream.”
Any One Wanna Become Mr India !!!The Treadmill Bike has just been released in
We have feasted our eyes and senses in recent times to some very high class and visually stunning Hollywood flicks, I always think if Harry Potter, LOTR (Lord of the rings), The Matrix Trilogy, MIB, I Robot and many more to go, if such movies can enthrall audiences around the world, why can’t Indian cinema attempt creating such fantasies, which become world wide blockbusters.
Krrish has shown the way to experiment and prove film industry that if attempted fantasy movies can be success, if story is sensible enough with other factors important in making a movie balanced.
I always imagine if someone makes a mega budget, grand scale movie on Mahabharata, The movie has to be graphically brilliant as the story of Mahabharata has lot of emotional package to keep the audience glued, there’s lot to experiment, I keep hearing rum ours on various directors and producers planning to take up this project.
Visualize this, a great battlefield, maybe it can be shot in a high altitude plains, sun rising in the background, a war score slowly building up, let Mr. Rehman do the honors for this, he is very good at background scores, a frame showing warriors on their chariots, next a frame on flags of both warring sides fluttering in the wind bowing across the battle field, a silence waiting to end, in a war cry. Next frame, Arjuna’s chariot flag fluttering, Krishna’s peacock feather swaying in the wind on his mukut, Then a conch sound is heard, with a frame capturing a warrior shadow blowing the conch, horses get ready to rage ahead, and then erupts a loud cry of warriors, running towards each other, and as the camera moves towards a warriors chariot, with a bow and arrow in his hand, ready to fire the arrow from his bow, the background score grows to its peak now and as the arrow leaves the bow, then the movie title Mahabharata is shown on a warring background, maybe ISKCON images can be used in the background as used In Mahabharata television series.
What do you think, comment here if you feel our traditional epic is grand enough to be showcased in the best way to the world?
Finally, Superman Returns!
It was time this superhero finally got a comeback, i had seen Christopher reeve as superman and had very faint memories of this superhero in my mind, as i grew up in awe of batman series, the master director Tim Burton, till the time batman movies got fancy and to the extent batman costumes became more girly, till the time Gorge Clooney acted in the last disaster flick.
I purely wanted to watch superman to see what this invincible character movie could offer, with Kevin spacey being the perfect match for the arch rival of superman, Lex Luthor. The movie revolves around how superman is gone for long, as he finds out that some astronomer had found remains of his home planet, thinking that he may find something superman finds nothing but ruins of his planet.
The opening sequence is awesome, would have looked celestial in a IMAX dome theatre, I am actually planning to re-watch this movie at ADLABS Dome Theatre in Mumbai. I had just seen Bryan Singer's X-men the last stand few weeks back, and I noticed that this director is technically a wizard, he does not give emphasis to special effects in his movies, but uses them as an advantage to the story, or you can say in better words, compliment the story.
Coming back to the movie, our superhero makes a comeback joins daily planet office as Clark Kent, to discover that his love interest, Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) is being married and has a kid, she still has the same passion to work as she had before and she is married to cousin of Perry white, of daily planet, Richard white. The flashback scenes of Clark
While out here Lex Luthor digs out superman’s hideout far away in a polar region and discovers secrets and gets in some crystals which form landmass when dropped in water, now Lex Luthor tries it for once and a small bit of crystal creates electro magnetic disturbance all around the city also failing a test launch of a shuttle attached to a aircraft with Lois lane onboard, it is here where our superhero is given a magnificent comeback. I loved the way our superhero cushions the plane back in a baseball stadium amidst an ongoing match, with the whole stadium erupting in applause.
The director has definitely told the superman story his way, adding more of romantic element to superman's life some scenes are really magnificent, a moment where Superman takes Lois on arial ride through the city, When she clings on to superman, and he flies up past the Daily Planet Office globe, flying her close to water surface where Lois watches both of their reflection in the water.
These are few touching moments of the movie, also Lois still deep within her heart loves superman, but has learned to move on, and in his absence she also gives up on superman, writing off his need to the world, the movie is two and a half hour long, and actually after Lex gets defeated at hands of superman, movie was dragged at the end, some hints are left by the director probably Lois Lane's son is probably superman's child.
Watch this movie for great direction, amazing effects that compliment the movie's story, Brandon Routh has done a decent job of a superhero, i still cannot forget the bullet -time scene of point blank shot in superman's eye. Kevin spacey excels in his role as a loveable baddy; he could have being given more to perform with some more quick and witty one-liners from him. Kate Bosworth delivers perfectly as
In the end, Lois ask's "Would we see you again?" Superman replies “I will be always around", he flies off.
The movie has good background score of John Ottoman, and the superman theme originally composed by John Williams still sounds very fresh and lingers in your mind right from your childhood.
So we finally have all three superheroes Batman, Superman & Spiderman back in business and raking the moolah for Hollywood, as its not just that these characters are admired by kids, but they still help us re-discover the kid in us, who once used to read these superhero comics, watched their cartoons, and today the same adult wants to re-live that experience on the big screen....
Superman, Move over, Make way for “Krrish”
The latest news now going around Krrish is that it has started giving stiff competition to “Superman Returns” in
Are we finally having a superhero who can give the Superman, Batman & Spiderman a stiff competition, maybe we have struck the right chord with international audience with our own superhero.
Well about the movie, I watched Krrish before I watched superman returns, I thought the movie may not be a big hit compared to Koi mil gaya, and superhero movies have bombed badly in past in India, and even if they gain popularity with kids, they do not take off actually with the normal audience.
Krrish proves this wrong, I also read and watched reviews on Krrish before going for the movie, but I always wanted to see this movie with the fact that Rakesh Roshan finally made an attempt to make an all out superhero film, some one had to really take this risk. The opening titles were impressive; the background score by Salim and Sulaiman has some element of dark notes similar to the Spiderman theme composed by Danny Elfman, that’s what gets you into a mood that you are going to be treated with a good movie and not some mediocre stuff.
The story starts with the kiddo Hrithik making pictures of his late father and mom with quiet ease, and his dadi, Rekha watching in amazement, she discovers that he has inherited the same powers his dad had, she decides to move her away from the being detected with such supernatural powers, Hrithik as Krishna is detected by his school dean to be having exquisite IQ, which he wants to develop, but grand mom Rekha has other plans, she takes the child away from everyone, she becomes her teacher, her mom, everything…now that’s what we call a super grandson’s super grandma !
While Krishna (Hrithik) moves away from kasauni, to some place in himachal, Sharat Saxena comes seeing him to his school, where the father refuses to give any whereabouts of
The film moves on with
Such scenes indirectly make you aware of the superhero’s powers and say a lot adding humor to it. Moving ahead
From here the movie has moments of Hrithik falling for Priyanka, playing tricks around with priyanka, as Hemant Pandey the tour guide plays a funny side-kick to Hrithik, as priyanka had arrived with her group and her friend Maaninee Mishra discover that he has amazing powers, the there is a song, Hrithik falls head over heals for Priyanka, Priyanka also meets Rekha, and as she departs she finds Hrithik falling for her.
Now Priyanka comes back to resume her job, she is a news reporter at Star News office in Singapore, her boss, Archana Puran Singh is ready to fire her as they have exceeded their vacations, in order to save their jobs, they think using Hrithik’s power display for the news channel, promising their manager to get Hrithik in Singapore.
Priyanka manages to bring Hrithik over to Singapore, as Hrithik has to face resilience from her grand mom , as she is not ready to loose her grand son, she tells Krishna (Hrithik) as to what happened to his dad, how he could never return after a company in Singapore called over Hrithik’s dad and it is none other than Naseeruddin Shah, who persuades Hrithik’s Dad Rohit Malhotra to make a machine that enables one to see future.
Naseeruddin shah excels as a baddy; he has a strong screen presence, similar to that of Lex Luthor in superman, a loveable baddy. The story moves on with Hrithik promising his grand ma that he would not reveal his superpowers , he meets a road performer who was performing for his sister for her operation, whom Hrithik helps performing some martial art stunts, they become friends and that guy invites Hrithik to his show at a circus. A song at circus with priyanka, fire breaks into the circus, Hrithik watches parents of few children trapped in the burning circus crying for help, in hurry, he picks up a black robe and a broken mask of a circus performer.
Enter “Krrish”, the superhero makes a impressive entry and leaves lot of questions behind, a good way to bring a superhero, the best thing Rakesh Roshan could have done to introduce, Krrish, a fancy costume would have killed the character, the birth of the superhero is more practical, which does not make you feel about a brainless story being told to you, Batman & Spidey had taken their own time designing their own costumes, here Hrithik does not get that time… a very creative move by the director.
Going ahead the film then takes some turns which further grip you to the story, and believe me special effects in the movie are far greater and better than any other Hindi movie seen till date and they have being used at places where needed and not unnecessarily, also another good thing about the stunts of the movie is that the action directors have worked hard to make stunts look impressive sans, special effects which also could have killed the thrill of these stunts, though it looked like more of crouching tiger, hidden dragon stuff, but its acceptable.
Hrithik is the main highlight of the film, followed by Naseeruddin Shah and then Priyanka. The time machine built by
I would not go ahead further with the story as the movie is made with lot of effort, with a sensible storyline, editing of the movie needed some polishing, Watch this movie purely for Hrithik and for the storytelling of Rakesh Roshan, which is definitely going to make you appreciate this film. This movie has done a lot to priyanka’s career, what it did to preity’s career; Yash Raj banner has a special way of projecting heroines of their movies. They form central figure of their movies, here Rakesh Roshan does not have much to offer to the leading lady of the film, and still you cannot ignore the screen presence of his movies heroines.
Not to leave the music of the movie behind, Rajesh Roshan surely delivers in his bro’s films, his music is not a instant hit like that of Himesh, his music grows over you, taking its own time to keep listening to his songs, it was the same case when I first heard music of Kaho na Pyaar hai, Koi Mil gaya I did not like it that much, but after watching these movies I used to hear its music over and over re-living the feel of movie, same is the case of Krrish, I was disappointed that the track “Main hoon who aasmaan” was not in the movie, its really a slow melodic romantic track to fall in love with.“Koi tumsa nahin” also strikes a chord with your heart, “Dil na diya” is peppy. “Chori Chori Chupke Chupke” & “Pyar Ki Ek Kahaani” stand apart as excellent tracks.
If Rakesh Roshan is planning to make another sequel to this movie, he surely can go ahead; he has started something new in the Indian cinema which he can be proud of, which no other director like Subhash Ghai, Aditya Chopra or any other big name amongst the director could have thought of risking. One suggestion for Rakesh Roshan for the forthcoming sequel, he can groom the character of Krrish better, by giving him some more moves and powers, maybe he can spend good amount of money on special effects to give some muscle to Krrish’s character.
Imagine you have a problem that you just can't solve. You spend all of your waking hours thinking about it. You ask the advice of friends and advisers. But still you just don't know.
Now picture yourself so exhausted from worry and stress, you sit down in a chair and doze off only to be awakened 1-second later by the phone ringing. You don't answer the phone because during that one second, you had an incredible dream. In the dream, you saw the perfect solution to your problem. You feel excited and you begin effortlessly putting your solution into action and before you know it, you're done.
Sounds fantastic doesn't it? If you could get a 1-second to a perfect solution to your problem? That is one of the advantages of this method and I am going to show you how you can take a split second nap for a direct route to your super conscious.
Thomas A. Edison, inventor of the lightbulb is the first person I read about who made 1-second napping a science. His method would take him from daydreaming to 1-second 'twilight dreaming" and wake up in the state of mind to do something with the solutions presented.
Here is his method: What he would do is he would sit back in a comfortable chair or lie down on a couch and prop his hand in the air with his elbow resting next to him. In his hand he'd have a fist full of ball bearings. As he sat there daydreaming, he'd gradually drift off to sleep. As soon as sleep took over, his hand would relax, releasing the ball bearings onto the wood floor, immediately awakening him. This would obviously leave him with a nap lasting less than a second.
He would immediately write down the dreams and solutions he'd get during these split second naps. Many of these dream solutions were perfect fixes to the problem at hand or the next step to take while making a new invention.
The author of
You may have noticed, one important benefit of the solutions gained by 1-second naps result in vast motivation as well.
A new parachute system known as the Gryphon has been designed by ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH and Dräger (not sure how you’re meant to pronounce that). The Gryphon enables parachutists to fly through the air at high speed before opening their chutes, so they could be dropped miles away and fly to their intended targets.
The ESG Gryphon is aimed at the military market, where upon parachutists can be dropped up-to 40 kilometres away from the landing pad and then glide their silently and near invisible to any radar cover.
The next stage of development is to add small turbo jet drives which will increase the range even further and allow take offs from much lower heights. Batman eat your heart out.
There was this bizzare event which occured in kerela in Year 2001, When sky was raining RED, As bizarre as it may seem, the sample jars brimming with cloudy, reddish rainwater in Godfrey Louis's laboratory in southern
If you have trouble remembering your mobile but always carry your bag then why not combine the two with the 1970’s Telephone Bag.
The telephone bag is a fully working phone, though it’s not really a mobile as it does require a jack to connect. The handset also functions as the bags handle whilst the front of the bag contains the buttons you’d expect on a normal phone.
Not a mock-up, not a Photoshop project, not a character from the upcoming live-action Transformers movie — this bag really is a fully functional telephone. It kind of sucks that it's not actually a cell phone; it's a regular phone that you need to plug into a landline, but I guess it predates all that wireless business. The kitschy caller costs $295, and it also comes in black. Still, you have to wonder who played matchmaker between the beautiful-yet-innocent handbag and the ruggedly handsome telephone, whose union produced this container-communicator hybrid, but they really have to be stopped before they discover the USB-device market. Too late!
It's always the same - as soon as you buy a new mobile, it's superceded by another model. So if you want to keep up, you could end up with a drawer full of old mobiles that are unlikely to see the light of day ever again. So how about trading them in for some cash, in-store credit or a contribution to charity?
One firm, Envirofone.com, has so far paid out more than £250,000 this year alone to people recycling their old mobiles since the beginning of the year. They pay cash, credit that can be used at
It's estimated that around 15 million phones are upgraded each year in the
According to their chief executive Pete Petrondas: "Unlike traditional schemes, we recognised that we needed to encourage the general public to recycle so we decided to offer them either cash or credit from
This very well might be the most interesting and inspiring online project anyone has done in a very, very long time. We Feel Fine is an exploration of human emotion on a global scale throughout the blogosphere. Every few minutes their system searches the world’s newest blog entries for occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling”, and when it finds a phrase, it records the full sentence up to the period and identifies all the feelings expressed within the sentence (sadness, happy, depressed, etc). The age, gender, location and local weather conditions are also recorded. The depth of the presentation and user interface here is absolutely amazing, and a gorgeous execution. Around 15-20,000 new feelings are added to the database every day, there are currently 3.3 million feelings from over 833,000 people. The findings are just mind boggling and really quite fun to read. The picture he represents ‘madness‘, each ball representing a feeling, and each color corresponding the tone of that feeling. Check out their mission statement for more information– genius, pure genius.
Visit This Site: www.wefeelfine.org
The latest phone models come with digital cameras, MP3 players, internet, satellite navigation, Nokia N91 has just being launched in India with a robust memory of 4 GB, we thought a 1 MB MMC Card was enough, it isn’t Samsung i380, which comes with an incredible 8 GB of storage space! Is yet to come, as mobile phones come with ever more functions, it’s possible that many users will find their multi-functional phones too complex to use.
Nokia carried out a global survey of what people want from their mobiles. Some of the results are quite surprising.
According to the Nokia survey, it seems that consumers want their mobile gadgets with more features not less.
Needless to say, across the globe, mobiles were found to be the most indispensable of gadgets, with 94% saying they expected to have a mobile phone in the future.
One in five said that losing their mobile phone would be worse than losing their wallet or even their wedding ring!
Oxygen bars are so '90s—did anyone really shell out 20 bucks for mint-flavored oxygen when you could have a breathtaking mojito for less than half that? But the world's most essential element is making a fashionable comeback. This time, in a can.
According to people who know their gas, a drop in the amount of oxygen in the body can result in yawning and sighing. These super-oxygenated concoctions seek to end these vile bodily functions once and for all (and ease hangovers) with a 95% oxygen concentration (compared to 21% in normal air), and an average lifespan of a week per can, if used up to six times a day. Oxygen inside the container is sprayed into a transparent plastic mask which comes attached to the can. The product, named O2 Supli is being tested in select Japanese markets and will make its debut at all 11,000 7-Eleven stores in
Similar to the Discover 2GO Card, the concept is to make taking (and therefore using) your card as convenient as possible. Since most people use some sort of key chain it's a logical choice to design around.
The card can be handled like a standard card, left halfway in the case with the magnetic strip exposed, or folded up in the case and slipped easily in your pocket, purse or on your key chain.
A blue sky. The nature of love. A child's smile. The "@" symbol.
Some things are so common place that you scarcely notice them. But that doesn't make them any less fascinating. Take the humble "@" symbol, for instance.
It's something we use dozens—perhaps hundreds—of times a day. This little "a" with the curved tail is inextricably linked to the instantaneous communication that we, as a society, are dependent upon.
But where is @ from, exactly?
Let's go back to the 6th or 7th century. Latin scribes, rubbing their wrists with history's first twinges of carpal tunnel syndrome, tried to save a little effort by shortening the Latin word ad (at, to, or toward) by stretching the upstroke of "d" and curving it over the "a".
Italian researchers unearthed 14th-century documents, where the @ sign represented a measure of quantity. The symbol also appeared in a 15th-century Latin-Spanish dictionary, defined as a gauge of weight, and soon after—according to ancient letters—was referenced as an amphora, a standard-sized clay vessel used to carry wine and grain.
Over the next few hundred years our plucky @ sign was used in trade to mean "at the price of" before resting on the first Underwood typewriter keyboard in 1885, then later rubbing symbolic shoulders with QWERTY on modern keyboards in the 1940s.
Then, one day in late 1971, computer engineer Ray Tomlinson grappled with how to properly address what would be history's very first e-mail. After 30 seconds of intense thought, he decided to separate the name of his intended recipient and their location by using the "@" symbol. He needed something that wouldn't appear in anyone's name, and settled on the ubiquitous symbol, with the added bonus of the character representing the word "at," as in, hey_you@wherever_you_happen_to_work.com.
And while in the English language, we know it as the "at symbol," it goes by many other unusual pseudonyms throughout the world.
But an "@" by any other name is just as sweet. Online, it's at the heart of every user's identity. It represents the breathless urgency of our connected culture: clear, concise, typographical shorthand for lobbing our thoughts, needs, and ideas to nearly anyone else in the world. Instantly.
Its ubiquity and urgency has transcended the Latin alphabet of its origins to worm its way into other language groups, including Arabic and Japanese.
And that, web wanderers, is where it's @.
For those whose lives are cluttered with obligations, appointments and confusion, maybe it’s time to simplify with this wooden helicopter that pretty much sits there and does almost nothing
Scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems are exploring new methods of harvesting energy to power mobile devices — including light (solar power), heat, and motion.
For example, the Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM employs thermoelectrics: energy is generated by a heat flow source such as the user’s wrist. Prominent clock makers use this technology to power watches. Micro-integrated thermo-electric converters can also be used to cool electronic components
First introduced in 1947, this wrist-watch used a “new miniature radio transceiver being developed by the U. S. Bureau of Standards”, capable of receiving/transmitting short waves while also picking up standard radio broadcasts.
This world’s smallest microtube was made possible by the elimination of bulky wires, which have been replaced by a silver chloride circuit stenciled on a slice of plastic or ceramic material. Developed as a result of co-operative research with industry, the miniature tube has various military applications aside from its use in the wrist-watch radio