I am on a terrible ordeal of constant follow ups with Philips customer care from July 2008 for a HTS i brought from Croma Electronics, model 3366/98 which has amazing sound output and i really felt i found a good HTS finally, however my happiness was short lived, i found the DVD unit getting heated up too fast and i started encountering DVD freezing problem after DVD playback of around 1hr or so, however video cd's, music cd's and USB playback works fine, i first got the DVD unit exchanged with Croma, they played a DVD in the store before handing me the new DVD unit, however i was still to realize the actual problem used to start after 50 mins to 1 hr of DVD playback.
Luckily i have my Xbox 360 console to rescue, which plays DVD's but i feel bit weird playing with multiple remotes just to watch a DVD, so Philips definitely did not make my movie viewing experience simple, the service engineers are laidback and you have to call them again and again to remind them that your problem is not solved, now after experimenting all ways with my DVD player, they decided to give me a product replacement.

The service engineer tried changing the product firmware, did not work and now i decided to choose a new model which is yet to arrive in stores i suppose, but they do not know the price of that model and they ask me to pay differential amount in case i go for a HTS model expensive than my current HTS, else they would not refund me differential amount in case i choose less expensive HTS model, clear cheating !
I choose tower speaker model for better rear sound output effect since i can't fix speakers on my wall, due to my sofa and living room furniture arrangement, so what's the point for going in for crappy small HTS models?, i am really pissed off and waiting when my ordeal with them would end, i gradually realised that the model i brought is never being advertised in any media, so maybe these cheapos wanted to sell off this faulty model with whatever units they had sold to stores.