Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Pictured: The daredevil surfer taking amazing photos from INSIDE huge breaking waves
Get the FREE Client and Play over 100 FREE Games, movies and more...
"Kuma Games is one of those advergames developers. Ever since 2004 they’ve been developing episodic multiplayer shooters (and other games), based on the ever so famous Steam engine. At this time, they’ve developed over a hundred free episodes.
All of these games are ad-supported, meaning you can enjoy premium quality gameplay and entertainment, without ever having to pay a dime.
The games can be divided into several higher branches or programs; Killpoint, Dinohunters, KumaWar, KumaWar WWII-Vietnam and Dogfights. Each of these games host a number of episodes with a specific theme"
Get the FREE Client and Play over 100 FREE Games, movies and more...84 Things NOT to Do in Bombay!!
Really Hilarious
84 Things NOT to Do in Bombay!! | Mumbai Metblogs
84 Things NOT to Do in Bombay!! | Mumbai Metblogs
Tech Hot Spot No. 12 Pune
Pune is listed at No. 12 in a global tech hot spot survey, read more on this article below
No. 12 Pune at
No. 12 Pune at
Outsourcing: Bye bye Chennai, g'day Brisbane
Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Nagpur make it to the future list
Outsourcing: Bye bye Chennai, g'day Brisbane - Services - Breaking Business and Technology News at
Outsourcing: Bye bye Chennai, g'day Brisbane - Services - Breaking Business and Technology News at
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The easiest way to track your goals and manage your time
GoalsOnTrack | The easiest way to track your goals and manage your time (beta)
"GoalsOnTrack is designed to help you focus on only important tasks you do to achieve goals, so that you will see the real progress every time you complete a task. By using GoalsOnTrack, you will get motivated by your own progress and be able to achieve goals on auto-pilot."
"MinMu allows you to combine several URLs into one simple short URL page. This means you can link to several sites from a easy visual page. So next time you need to link to several URL's don't waste space on your site or on the forum, let your users use MinMu!"
Welcome to MinMu
B'lore women beaten up for wearing western attire
The madness does not seem to stop
B'lore women beaten up for wearing western attire
B'lore women beaten up for wearing western attire
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Internet Bus Project
The Internet Bus Project by Google is an attempt to educate people about what the Internet is, and how it may be beneficial to their lives, by taking the Internet experience to them through a customized Internet-enabled bus, which will travel to several towns and cities across India.
Google The Internet Bus Project
Devolve yourself
Wanna see your primitive self ? Try the link below and see yourself turning to an ape, Monkey around a little. Upload your photo and see yourself in a more primitive state
Home - Charles Darwin - The Open University
What happens when a google logo melts ?
ePost - email Home Delivery Application
If you at times feel guilty not sending letters to your loved ones staying in remote villages in India or if they do not have access to internet, speaking on phone is quite easier now, still if you wanna make your mail go as a postal letter to your loved one's try the e-post service from Indian Postal department.
::: Welcome to ePost - email Home Delivery Application :::
Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer
Protect yourself from scam mails flooding your mailboxes every now and then, use this site to check currently running internet scams, since many educated people have fallen to spam mail scams.
Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer
Just How Fat Are We?
An interesting take on Fat-O-Meter of the world, also some stats related to USA.

Just How Fat Are We? | Popular Science
Just How Fat Are We? | Popular Science
Windows 3.1 Running on Nokia N95
Checkout obsolete MS Windows 3.1 running on an N95 via DOSBox application

Board - [TEL] Windows na Symbianie już możliwe!
Board - [TEL] Windows na Symbianie już możliwe!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
E-Governance finally working
Visit to government offices somehow fills my body with laziness throughout, and this is due to a ignorant attitude of babus which i have encountered earlier while being to passport office, Ration office, Pan card application in Mumbai and during my Driving license application at Pune RTO, i need to spare whole one day for these activities, run from counter to counter, however things have improved a bit with regards to passport office and PAN card application.
The above reason was preventing me to visit the corporation office at shivaji nagar, to collect birth certificate of my child, i tried downloading the birth certificate of my child through the Pune Municipal Corporation website, but the link never functioned and surprisingly today i found the link running perfectly fine and finally i got to download my baby's birth certificate, you can actually see E-Governance ads from Indian government running on TV, so i thought for the time being till elections the link may work well, after elections it would automatically go to sleep again, although i may still have to visit the office since my child's name need's to be updated on the certificate, and even a small address spelling correction.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Jai Ho Rehman
Rehman brought glory and honor to our country this time, raising the standards for Indian Music and proving hie mettle once again, it is definately moment of great pride and joy for our country, so is for rasool and gulzar.
I think we were happy with one Filmfare Awards for honoring the best in Indian Cinema, compared to a slew of Awards sponsored by different business groups, it is slowly turning out to be a cheap excuse of conducting a cinema event, where results are manipulated and hardly genuine and deserving films win.
The stardust awards which took place earlier this year, were completely lackluster, you could actually count the number of celebrity guests at the event, also sajid khan's antics were irritating and no doubt Ashutosh Gowariker lashed out at him, could be one of the trick of event managers to grab some eyeballs for TV broadcast, Oscar's tend to honor talent in cinema going away from popular trend, whereas in India it is not the case, filmi families in India have being known to favor their star children who enter hindi cinema industry by giving them best debutants awards, Hindi cinema industry today clearly divided in camps, also SRK seems to get some or the other awards to keep proving he is the king of hindi cinema, whereas he is actually not, he may be able to deliver one or two blockbusters in a gap of 2 years or so, but he has very little friends to count on.
I hope Filmfare aw ards this year have something good to offer, and may we all be treated to some great cinema this year as well.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Delhi 6 - Not Worth a watch
Delhi -6 is an utter disappointment as a film, this movie looked promising in trailer frames however in my view it falls flat on most areas except for A.R.Rahman's music which salvages some effort of Rakyesh Om Prakash Mehra,
i wanted to see the soul of the city Delhi in the story of the movie, i thought i would be able to see true acting talent of Sonam Kapoor, she is completely under utilised in this film, Abhishek Bacchan's role seems actual IBCD(Indian Born Confused Desi) rather than a ABCD (American Born Confused Desi). The plot of the movie seems to be completely out of the way and somehow brought to an end in a real bizzare way, however you get a glimpse of what is coming in a song.
I feel the director rode on the "Black Monkey" phenomenon too high rather than the potential of the actors, the story of the film grows preachy in the end, the movie is woven more like a theatrical satire on social fabric of our country, i feel the plot of the movie suits more to a theatre play rather than a movie, i was surprised to see cheap fx grpahics occupying background of delhi, rather than the real footage of the city, you get to see very few glimpses of this city.
The director is successful in showing how narrow our thinking is like the lanes of old delhi amidst the pride that people take of being "Large Hearted" or Dilwalon ki Dilli, i was surprised to see too many editing goof ups in the movie in terms of background score and story editing, background score was rather weird in some tense scenes of the movie, the chemistry between Abhishek and Sonam does not take off.
Actually the director has tied up with Channel 18 network and no doubt i heard a positive review on Rajeev Masand's show for the movie, the last time for RDB, Rakyesh used NDTV channel as a means of promotional vehicle, i liked only the cinematography and music from the film.
Worlds oldest Emoticon
Emoticons printed in 1881 in the U.S. magazine Puck
Emoticons_Puck_1881_with_Text.png (PNG Image, 452x330 pixels)
Emoticons_Puck_1881_with_Text.png (PNG Image, 452x330 pixels)
Airtel may be misleading broadband customers
Could be true, since i have experienced really slow speeds at time.
Airtel may be misleading customers
A Beauty from BMW
BMW is working on a concept car named "GINA" which is fabric skinned, kind of shape shifting car, very futuristic and great in looks, check out the Wikipedia article below
BMW GINA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Revealed: Pictures of Slumdog Millionaire star Freida Pinto as young aspiring model
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