Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Are you ready to pop the RED pill?

A scientist - Rich Terrile, who is the director of the Center for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory claims we are all living our lives in a simulated computer program of some future programmer, he relates to the scale of virtual worlds we are able to create in a game and control each and every aspect of the game the way we want, probably there could be a world of intelligent machines somewhere, if not exactly aliens maybe some oracle who could be controlling our current version of world as we see it all around us.

We believe universe is infinite in nature, but it is still made up of finite components and as he quotes "What I find intriguing is, if there is a creator, and there will be a creator in the future and it will be us, this also means if there’s a creator for our world, here, it’s also us. This means we are both God and servants of God"
It my seem like a crazy thought, however if we look back at our lives we are conditioned and groomed to behave in a certain way, react in specific ways to emotions and situations, some we learn from our past experience and some traits that we pick from our surroundings. You have to study, get a job, get married, have kids which is a kind of prophecy we have to meet in any normal scenario. 

You cannot just over rule authority all present all around you, we are supposed to own materialistic stuff to be happy and be religious etc.. etc.. to show you are a nice person all these expectations lead you to fit your life in a stereotype box from which you may never be able to get out. So aren't we already leading a life of some simulator which has set rules, laws in short in the gaming world even if you are playing a sandbox game you cannot make you character run around freely everywhere, No one would commend you in your entire life for following these set social norms, only when you break the pattern you get noticed like some rogue program gone free which has to be brought back to where it belonged.

Read more about this article from, maybe we do not have the choice to avoid the blue pill and even if we know the reality, it takes a lot of guts to break away from what is known and walk the path of unknown.

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